The 9 (Scientifically Tested) Benefits of Manuka Honey

If you have discovered what Manuka Honey is and what makes it so special in our previous article, you will now be curious to understand what the benefits of Manuka Honey are. So let’s have a look at them in detail and find out together how this product can contribute to a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

The 9 Benefits of Manuka Honey
Aid Wound & Burn Healing

Increase Anti-Bacterial Response

Help Prevent Gastric Ulcers

Soothe a Sore Throat

Treat Acne

Increase Oral Health

Fortify the Immune System

Improve Digestion

Detoxify the Body


1. Aid Wound & Burn Healing

Manuka Honey has been part of traditional Maori medicine for thousands of years and that is no coincidence!
When researches from western universities started some tests to understand more about this product, the results were incredible.

On top of its of its most famous antibacterial and antioxidant properties, Manuka ranked really high in its ability to create a moist, protected environment around wounds and burns, preventing bacterial infection, inflammation and pain from getting worse and promoting tissue reconstruction. The US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) even listed Manuka Honey as an option for wound and burn care in 2007.

2. Increase Anti-Bacterial Response

The University of Sydney (Australia) conducted tests, exposing honey to different types of bacteria and the result was outstanding! Manuka honey managed to eradicate some bacteria that are generally able to survive 16 different types of antibiotics! Recent studies have shown Manuka Honey to be effective even against antibiotic-resistant bacteria such as MRSA or Streptococcus mutans.


Manuka Flower Bee Manuka Hut


3. Help Prevent Gastric Ulcers

According to a peer-reviewed study conducted by the King Abdulaziz University. Manuka honey significantly decreases the risk of ulcer, completely protecting our mucosa from lesions, and preserving gastric mucosal glycoprotein. Manuka honey exerts its antiulcer effect by increasing the levels of certain enzymes as well as protecting against oxidation and protein damage.


4. Soothe a Sore Throat

This is probably one of the most famous properties of Manuka Honey, let’s jump right into it!

Like any honey, Manuka is an excellent ally against sore throats. In fact, like any honey, it creates a thin soothing film in the throat that reduces the symptoms of inflammation and suppresses coughs. However, what makes Manuka honey so special in the treatment of sore throats is its ability to attack bacterial sore throats, not only by soothing the symptoms, but by actively fighting the infection. In fact, researchers have demonstrated the effectiveness of Manuka honey against bacteria such as Streptococcus mutans, during extensive lab tests.

 Thanks to its incredible antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities Manuka can certainly provide relief against sore throats. In fact, Manuka will not only fight against the bacteria that is causing the sore throat, but will also help reducing the inflammation itself. Pretty incredible!


5. Treat Acne 

It’s no coincidence that Manuka Honey is one of the most popularly used ingredients in skincare products. So is Manuka really good for our skin? In short, the answer is yes. Thanks to its reach compounds and famous anti-inflammatory properties, Manuka will both act to remove inflammation from your skin as well as hydrating it with its fructose, glucose and amino-acids.

6. Increase Oral Health 

The consumption of Manuka Honey helps prevent the attack of harmful bacteria inside the mouth, preventing plaque formation and inflammation of the gums. In particular, studies have shown in vitro the effectiveness of Manuka against the bacteria P. gingivalis and A. actinomycetemcomitans.

Of course, Manuka Honey cannot be a substitute for proper oral hygiene. Nevertheless with Manuka not being a complex sugar, the likelihood of developing cavities do not increase with its consumption, making it ideal for anyone that wants to leverage the anti-bacterial properties of this honey.

Manuka MGO Benefits Manuka Hut

7. Fortify the Immune System

The anti-inflammatory effects of honey have long been a subject of extensive testing. When it comes to Manuka, a recent study has proven that MGO, the defining compound present in Manuka honey, effectively senses bacterial invasion by producing mucosal-associated invariant T cells (MAIT cells). It is known that MAIT cells can effectively regulate a diverse range of immune responses which includes antimicrobial defence as well. 


8. Improve Digestion

Manuka Honey is usually highly recommended for its ability to aid gut health balance. In fact, it is especially good at fighting SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) as well as low stomach acid and acid reflux or GERD. Experts believe that it is capable of balancing the bad bacteria in your gut, soothing digestion and helping prevent infections in the lower intestines.


Manuka Honey Greek Yoghurt

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9. Detoxify the Body 

All in all, Manuka Honey is a great product that can help you with a healthy and balanced lifestyle. The benefits of having at least a spoon of Manuka per day are countless and it’s no surprise that so many people have Manuka a staple ingredient in their kitchens. From aiding with your gut health to healing and hydrating your skin, Manuka has the potential to helping you and your loved ones in detoxifying your body.

 What do you think of the benefits of Manuka Honey? 
Let us know in the comments!

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